Privacy Policy


We are committed to maintaining a secure site for our users. Our Policy is designed to help you understand how we collect, use and safeguard the information you provide to us and to assist you in making informed decisions when using our service.

Our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

We may collect Non -Personal and Personal Information such as anonymous usage data, general demographic information, referring /exit pages and URL, platform types, preferences that you may submit and preferences that are generated based on the data you submit and number of clicks.

We use your Non-Personal Information to help us improve our Service and customize the user experience. This Policy does not limit our use or disclosure of non-personal information and we reserve the right to use and disclose such non personal information to our collaborators and advertisers.  Device identifiers, such as Cookies,, IP addresses, log, information, device, device type and version, web browser and tracking information are collected on our third party affricates and stakeholders.

Consent by Site Visitors and Registered Users. By accessing and using our Website as a Site visitor or registered user, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy and agree to be legally bound by it. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please refrain from using our site.

Reviews, votes, comments and replies can be made by any person who has interacted with our service or product. Reviews are subject to verification and misleading or harmful information is not allowed which can be deframation of our or our affiliates character. Reviews and all its contents maybe used in marketing activities at no earnings to the customer or person who posted. Your feedback is important to us. 

Opt out options

You can, at any time to prevent us from contacting you for marketing purposes. When we send such communication to you can opt out of any further marketing communications by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in each promotional email. You also may receive SMS with updates or letters. You can opt out via messaging 1 868 766 -7632- “Opt out SMS or letter”. You can also indicate that you do not wish to receive marketing communications from us in the Setting section of this Site.

We reserve the right to change or review or add changes to this Policy at any time and if our information practices change at any time in the future or is updated or a new version of this Policy is posted we will post the policy changes to the Site and App and you can opt out of the new information practices or Policy. 

If you have any questions about this policy or JD's Furniture Store, please email us at 


We limit employees, partners and others from viewing private information. We try our best to secure information from unauthorized persons. However, if hackers or others do breech our site, we cannot be responsible or liable  for digital theft inconveniences or damages. But in your best interest, we seek to always use update to date software to protect you and our customer relationship with you. YOUR TRUST IS MOST IMPORTANT TO US, AND WE DO INVEST TIME AND MONEY TO KEEP YOU PROTECTED WHILE SHOPPING ON OUR SITE.


This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason.  If you have concerns, we invite you to regularly visit this page for updates.